Support lasting recovery by donating a commemorative brick for the Path to Recovery Garden at Reach Sober Living in Kalamazoo. These bricks will be incorporated into the design of the Path to Recovery Garden at the Reach Sober Living house. The garden will offer a place of reflection, rest, and meditation for residents on their journey to recovery.

Bricks can be engraved in memory of a loved one lost to addiction, in celebration of a milestone year of recovery, or in recognition of a local business or organization dedicated to supporting recovery in our community.
Donors will have the opportunity to customize their brick with text and optional graphics. Donors will also receive an invitation to the ribbon cutting ceremony of the Reach Sober Living house in April 2020, a framed photo, and an invitation to an annual donor open house.
Help us build a legacy of recovery here in Kalamazoo with your contribution to the Path to Recovery Garden at Reach Sober Living! Start by clicking the button below.